Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Faithful Friends: Agony, Depression, Neurosis

As many of you know the last two years of high school are very emotional (well at least for me). There is nervousness, insecurity, and many other emotions coursing through you all the time, and its overwhelming. And on top of everything else your have to deal with your children's emotions too.

For example, in her junior year we had to get ready for the PSAT. The day that I started making the arrangements for her to take the test I felt like electricity was coursing through me. It was excitement mixed with terror. Excitement because it was a step closer to her future. Terror because it was a step closer to her future. What a conundrum. So of course I started hyperventilating. I tell you it's very difficult for me to breath when I think of her leaving.

Everyday I think and tell myself that everything is going to be OK; and others I say to myself forget about everything let things runt its course. Because really she could stay here, and she would get a degree in something. Why does she have to go away? The answer it's simple, she deserves it, has worked hard for it. So man up, don't be a wimp and get over yourself. It's not about you, it's about her, and in the end you promised. Dammed promises, why do we make them.

So there, Agony, Depression and Neurosis are now my faithful companions. Each offering something to make me go bananas. But at least I have hope, there is someone that, when I let Him takes them away and gives me new friends Peace, Hope and Joy.