Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today I beggin my blogging journey. You may ask, why? Well the facts are simple: I'm a single mother (no a neurotic single mother). You may ask, why is does that make you start a blogg? The reasons are the following:
  1. My daughter (the apple of my eye, my reason for being) is going to college in exactly 1year 8months 18days 4hours 47minutes.
  2. Because I hope that by expressing my neurosis, obsession and fears, it will help me prepare and deal with my separation anxiety.
  3. Finally, mabye there are other mothers going through the same things I'm and we will be able to help and support each other.

I have already started to write about my expirences of this last two years of high school, but now I'm ready to share what I'm going thru with those that have the interest and time to read it. And also in hope that my expirences and adventures during this time, will help others when they find themselve in my position.

I only ask that you don't judge to quickly, and get to know me a little before you stop reading. Tomorrow a little background information about my life and my daughters (whose name will remain annonymus as requested). So that you will see the road we have taken, and that finds us in this position now.

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