Friday, December 18, 2009

The Mission - New School

In my obsession of educational excellence I knew that she wouldn't be able to finish her school career in her current school. So I began to look for other schools that could meet her educational needs and my obsessive/over-protective/neurotic criteria. In my search I found Raham Baptist Academy. It may not be the best school in the Island but, it meet my criteria, its better than her previous school and, it would allow her to work in a manner that best challenged her academically.

So she is in a new school, here they don't graduate from Junior High, they only graduate when they reach twelve grade. So the first objective is in sight we are only 6 years away when she changes schools. Lets begin the work.

This school doesn't graduate till senior year, but they give awards every end of the school year. The awards are academic excellence, sports, spiritual character and school spirit. The first year she took awards for academics and sports, as well as spiritual character. But she wasn't top of her class, she was fifth. The second year, eight grade, she took awards in all areas, she was second in her class, tenth in the whole High School and Junior High.

Third year, first year of high school, she is finally a freshman. I'm not even allowed to take her to school, she gets a ride with one of the other kids. She is becoming more and more independent. Can you feel the hysteria coming on. Well, its besides the point, to say that as she left for school I was hyperventilating. Because of the thought that she is really only four years away from graduating (it's 2007). But such is life and then you die. And where is that stupid brown bag?

So now we get ready for the real thing. She's finally in High School, now all efforts are for real, no mistakes, no problems, no distractions, IT'S CRUNCH TIME. (Exaggerate much).

That first year of high school, I already have answers to some of my college questions. Have to keep her focused. This year is the beginning of her future. Good grades a must, community services a plus, awards the reward. Another thing she qualifies this year for is the school's top honor, The Raham's Cup. The teachers nominate students that fill certain requirements. Students that want to be considered for that honor have to obtain a high academic achievement, achievement in sports, show good Christian values, and have school spirit. We want that Cup, we need that Cup. Oops did I just say that out loud. Relax, relax, breath, just breath.

She is nominated. (SCREAMS, JUMPING, GOING CRAZY, all on the inside). OK she is nominated (I promise not to cry when she wins, oops I mean if she wins). OK she is nominated, but that doesn't mean she will win. Calm down, the other two nominees are good too, and they have been going to this school longer than she has. One of the other nominees father is in the schools parent board, so he will win it this year for sure. It's OK, I tell myself, its an honor just to be nominated. (Ha I know I'm lying to myself, I WANT HER TO WIN).

Stay tuned to tomorrow to see if she won. If you know me, you already what happened.

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