Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mission College - This is the Mission if You Chose to Accept It

The Objectives:
  • Get her to graduate High School.

It was a blessing that she turned out to be smart. On her elementary school graduation, she had the third highest GPA of the class. I was done with the first hurdle, because she liked to study, she liked school, she was excited about junior high. So again that first day of seventh grade when I drooped her off at school at the gate (I was no longer allowed to walk her to the door) I made the same promise. She would graduate high school and got to college. Why am I hyperventilating again, it must be something in the air, brown bag anyone?

So again I began to work out the details of college. What college should she go to? To study what? What are their requirements? How much will it cost? So many questions, and everyone around me keeps saying don't be neurotic, she's not even in high school. But what they didn't understand was that Junior High was only two years. She would be in High School soon enough, and then just four more years to college. Again I found myself hyperventilating. Where is that stupid brown bag, when you need it?

So much to do so little time. My head is spinning, is the room wobbling. Why am I on the floor? Head rush, OK everything is OK.

Have to take a break, tomorrow the experiences in a new school.

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