Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Mission - Road to College 2

So get your calculators out its time to play how mush is college. But wait I didn't tell you she also wants to be a missionary. Which is great, she has found her calling from God, but that means travel to other countries, dangerous situations, and maybe she might be moving to the furthest place on Earth from Puerto Rico, like Kathmandu. Which is basically anywhere, but that is besides the point.

Now we have to look for a school that will allow her to, study medicine, missions and at the same time allow her to participate on missionary trips during her time there without holding her back.

At this time its 2009. The first semester of my daughter's junior year. She is focused, no boys, no parties (not that she went to any before), nothing that will sidetrack her from her future, as a missionary pediatric surgeon (breath). And this time, with no help from me. she has made up her mind, she knows what she wants and I'm going to help her get it (breath, breath, breath, just keep breathing, its OK. Where is the brown bag?)

So what should she do. Should she go to missionary school first, and then go on to college. Or should she go to college, do pre-med, go to medical school, do everything related to the medical professional and then missionary school. My head hurts.

Well we will answer those questions latter. For now keep her on track. She has to get a good SAT or ACT score, do the local College Board college test (PEAU), maintain a good GPA. So no matter what she decides, she is accepted anywhere she wants to go.

And this is how I find my self the victim of panic attacks and mockery from my family. My obsession and neurosis worsens, intensifies. But that will only help (I think) I will see it as a positive, in getting my daughter to where she wants to go. After she gets there, my family can send me to a mental institution. But for now, a brown paper bag will be my faithful companion, and will have to get use to those hyperventilation attacks.

For those of you who don't believe me here is my brown paper bag.

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